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How Tekeir Streamlined Customer Support and Become 60% More Efficient


Increase in efficiency


Amazon feedback rating


increase in profit

Tekeir is Ireland’s Best Online Electronics, Accessory & Gift Wholesaler.  




Amazon, eBay, Shopify

eDesk, Feedback, Repricer


Centralized Inbox


Founded in 2015 by Irish entrepreneur Peter Walsh, Tekeir is an ecommerce company that started primarily selling satellite and aerial equipment online. In its early days, Tekeir sold almost entirely to the local Irish market through a regional ad site and eBay. As the company grew, it went from just two employees to dozens of staff across Ireland, Croatia and the US. Today, the company sells more than 20,000 high-quality consumer electronic products across multiple global marketplaces on Amazon, eBay and through its own website.

Before eDesk, this took days to clear, but with eDesk, it was empty before lunchtime.

“On Monday morning, we could have a stack of two or three hundred emails. Before eDesk, this took days to clear, but with eDesk, it was empty before lunchtime. eDesk makes replying to customer queries easy. You have the tracking number, customer order and thread of old messages.”

Peter Walsh
CEO, Tekeir


As Tekeir scaled internationally, the team continued to try to manage all of its customer service queries manually, using email. This became ineffective as the company received upwards of hundreds of emails per day. The customer support team was overwhelmed.

Additionally, as the company was expanding throughout the European Union, it needed a solution that could automatically translate emails, both inbound and outbound, so that the helpdesk could meet all local language requirements. With no in-house German, Italian and Spanish speakers, it was very time-consuming translating customer messages. 

With a growing SKU number well into the tens of thousands, Tekeir was challenged with the task of devising an international pricing strategy. To do this manually absorbed lots of valuable time.  

One area where Tekeir was lagging behind was getting positive feedback. Tekeir typically sent emails to customers asking for feedback five days after a product had shipped. However, as this was being done manually, feedback requests were often sent too early. Soliciting feedback from customers who hadn’t yet received a product didn’t do Tekeir’s customer feedback rating any favors. 

The company had outgrown its manual operations and needed an automated, intelligent solution for all three of its major pain points: 

  • Multilingual customer service support at scale 
  • A system for customer feedback management 
  • An intelligent multichannel repricing solution


With eDesk, Tekeir was able to gather all customer interactions from its website, marketplaces and social channels into one place. It immediately automated operations, prioritizing and ticketing customer service emails to ensure all were answered in a timely manner, in the local language using eDesk’s auto-translation feature.

“[eDesk] immediately automated operations, prioritizing and ticketing customer service emails to ensure all were answered in a timely manner, in the local language”

The Tekeir customer support team loves the eDesk auto-translation functionality. It’s their favorite feature as it removes the pain of jumping between tabs and makes them more efficient. The company has been able to increase sales in these less competitive markets.

Implementing eDesk Feedback to send automatic feedback requests, Tekeir was able to automatically request feedback only when customers had received their orders, which meant the potential for positive reviews were maximized and the risk of negative reviews minimized.

With, Peter was able to implement strategies that localize each SKU for every Amazon marketplace he sells on, as well as on his TV Tech’s own website. continues to help Tekeir keep prices competitive 24/7, win the Amazon Buy Box more often and provide useful insights to drive profitability.


Almost overnight, Tekeir’s customer support became more streamlined. Where it once took the team 2-3 days to get through the weekend’s backlog of emails, it is now completed in a few hours, making the team 60% more efficient. Not only are things done faster, but they are done better. 

Using eDesk feedback, Tekeir has been able to achieve and maintain an Amazon seller feedback rating of 98%. Automating the feedback process saves time and increases feedback volume and ratings, which boosts the chances of winning the Buy Box. has helped Tekeir to win more Buy Box and increase profitability by 14%. Peter is looking forward to trying out the advanced eBay advanced repricing capability.

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