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3 ways that artificial intelligence is revolutionizing eCommerce support

Last updated: June 14, 2022

The future of customer support is here. As we have seen in so many industries and professions over the past 15 years, computer automation is changing how our support teams manage customer relations.
eDesk has taken a huge leap beyond this, however, utilizing the power of both artificial intelligence and machine-learning to revolutionize e-commerce customer support.
A.I. and M.L., as they are usually abbreviated to, involves the use of computing power to predict outcomes based on historical events. In other words, any system that is powered by A.I. and M.L. gets smarter the more you use it. It builds on previous exchanges and learns organically. The potential that this has for customer support is incredible, and we are incredibly excited to be leading the way.

Boosting response times

Supporting e-commerce transactions presents an ideal opportunity to apply AI and ML. Together, they dramatically reduce the time it takes to close tickets. As hectic as it seems at times, e-commerce support actually falls rather neatly into specific categories; delivery, cancellations, replacement, invoicing and so on.
Analyzing over 10 million support events across 2,000 clients, we saw that over 80% of tickets predominantly fell into the categories below :
  • Delivery queries
  • Defective Product
  • Return
  • Cancellation
  • Copy Invoice
More than likely, you will already have (or you should have) created canned responses to help your support team successful answer the most common issues. Your agent reads the ticket, interprets it, then manually selects the appropriate reply, adjusts it and bingo – the problem is solved.
An A.I. powered helpdesk expedites this process with precision.
Using A.I., eDesk reads and interprets the incoming query, looks at previous answers provided to similar issues, then presents the users with the most likely reply to send. In just click, that ticket is resolved and the agent moves on to the next one.  This can reduce your time to answer from several minutes to just a few seconds.
Imagine this now happening over the course of an entire week. Think of how much time you and your time would save. It would free them up to concentrate their efforts almost solely on more complicated tickets, ones that couldn’t really be predicted and which require in-depth investigation.

Going beyond simple pattern recognition

With eDesk, it’s not merely pattern recognition, we use full-blown A.I. to predict your answers. It’s easy to imagine how computer would be able to interpret and solve the following problem; “You sent me the wrong product”. 
This issue is relatively easy to work out. There are very clear key words, “wrong” and “product”.  A basic software package could quickly recognize them and respond appropriately. This would be an example of pattern recognition. Not all tickets are so simple, however.
A.I. powered helpdesks are far superior, able to interpret more complex problems like “You sent me the blue one when I chose the green one”.
edesk 3 suggested responses-1An example of how eDesk’s A.I. is seamlessly incorporated into the ticketing system.
There are a number of composite parts to this ticket, which must be interpreted as one to be answered correctly. eDesk does exactly that, suggesting an accurate response to the support agent.
A.I. answers improve over time – the most history it has to analyse, the better it can predict.

Opening businesses up to international markets

A.I. works across multiple languages.  eDesk users who sell across borders in different languages, or have aspirations to do so, can now make it even easier for their team to support in languages other than their mother-tongue.
We’ve built in an accurate auto-translation feature, supporting all of the major international languages, that instantly recognizes the language used in the incoming ticket. The translation then happens in an instant.
This eliminates the needs for multi-lingual support agents and the associated costs. Now all of the tickets you receive, whether they are from your ebay.fr or amazon.it sites, can be read in English without having to copy and paste the message into Google.
eDesk autotranslate
eDesk’s auto-translation feature in action
Not only that, but eDesk also translates the outgoing response as well. All your agent has to do is type out the message as normal, or allow eDesk to generate an appropriate response for them, and the message will be automatically translated into the customer’s preferred language.
If you are interested in seeing for yourself how an A.I. powered helpdesk, purpose-built for e-commerce, can revolutionize your customer support then start your free trial today.
We are so excited to see the difference it will make to you and your business.


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