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Freshdesk vs eDesk: Connectivity built in, not bolted on.

Elevate your customer support with native integrations to your webstore, marketplaces and social channels. eDesk was built from the ground up to support eCommerce sellers no matter where they sell. 

Built for eCommerce



Marketplace integrations

200+ native integrations

No marketplace integrations

Webstore integrations

All major webstores natively integrated

Limited integrations

Unlimited tickets



AI-powered inbox & translations




Powering support for thousands of eCommerce businesses worldwide

Your search for a complete eCommerce helpdesk is over

Estimate the savings you can achieve by switching to eDesk and implementing AI-powered automations.

Get the integrations you need at no additional cost

Freshdesk falls short when it comes to marketplace integrations, relying on 3rd party subscriptions which translates to added hassle and added costs for your business. As well as integrating with all major webstores, eDesk has 200+ native marketplace integrations. So you can seamlessly manage all marketplace queries from one smart inbox. That’s one way to create a customer service process that wows both you and your customers!

Skip the stress with our AI-driven smart inbox

Why bother with the tedious task of crafting tags and filters to tidy up your support tickets in Freshdesk when you don’t have to? eDesk’s smart inbox combines rich order data and query types to intuitively and accurately group similar tickets together so your team never has to. Whether you’re hunting down high-priority tickets or have an agent handling refunds, our Smart Inbox streamlines the entire process. Support agents can now zero in on their assigned ticket types, zap through ticket resolutions, and supercharge their response times, making customer service a breeze!

Pricing that stays stable, year round.

Unlike Freshdesk, we have a variety of plans to suit any company’s needs. On our user-based plans, we offer limitless ticket volumes, even on our most basic plan so you don’t have to worry about greater expenses in the holiday season. Allowing your team to focus on providing your customers with the support they need. 
eDesk’s flexible plans free your team up to nurture those customer connections and provide top-notch service, while banishing nagging concerns about hitting your ticket limit.

Convert great customer service into reviews. Automatically.

Elevate your brand reputation with eDesk’s dedicated Feedback add on Gain valuable insights, build trust, and grow your customer base. Create simple targeting rules to ensure that you only request review from our happy customers. You can even create rules based on-time delivery, previous positive reviews, product purchased and more to ensure your requests really resonate. You can boost scores for your store on Google My Business, Trustpilot, eBay, or Amazon, leading to higher ratings for both your marketplace and store.eDesk’s flexible plans free your team up to nurture those customer connections and provide top-notch service, while banishing nagging concerns about hitting your ticket limit.

See why eDesk is the #1 helpdesk choice for online sellers

14-day trial | No credit card required | Guided setup

For us, eDesk is a one and done customer support solution...

“You can answer any customer question from one screen. We know we have a winning combination of quality service and products because almost half of our customers purchase again within six weeks.”

Brendan Toone
Direct Sales Manager at Sauder Furniture

See what Freshdesk customers are missing out on...




200+ native marketplace integrations

Social media



Smart AI-powered inbox

Ticket customization


Order modification

Customer-centric view

Automated feedback requests

Live chat

Knowledge base



Order classification


Order summary

Customer sentiment

Message/thread summary




Customer support



User-friendly interface




Switching from Freshdesk to eDesk has never been easier

Start using a helpdesk that's actually built for eCommerce. Try eDesk for free.

14-day trial • No credit card required • Guided setup