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7 Excellent Amazon FBA Podcasts to Help Your Business

Last updated: February 6, 2024
Amazon FBA podcasts

You’re busy and don’t have time to comb through countless articles on how to rock Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). And while FeedbackExpress does its best to condense all that information into potent packages, we also recommend listening to these amazing podcasts so you can do two things at once and continue to rock on.

My Wife Quit Her Job (Steve Chou)

Hasn’t everyone who started seriously selling on Amazon done so with the intention of it being so successful, they can make it a full-time gig? Well, Steve Chou can help you out with that by imparting pearls of wisdom from his and his wife’s store, Bumblebee Linens. Want more proof they really made it work? His wife is still a big-time breadwinner by them returning her to her six-figure salary.

Check it out…

The Amazing Seller Podcast (Scott Voelker)

You know how the top Amazon sellers generally get featured at the top of the list because they have such good reputations? That’s Scott Voelker in the podcast version. He covers topics for beginners and experts and everyone in between, going really in-depth about issues so you get a comprehensive idea of how to move forward.

Check it out…

Full-Time FBA Show Podcast

Are you ready for a podcast that will help you unlock the secrets of turning part-time hours into a full-time income via Amazon FBA? Hosted by Stephen and Rebecca Smotherman, this podcast will include conversations about profitable Amazon reseller strategies, proven steps to growing your business, and how to actually make more money on Amazon while spending less time doing it.

Check it out…

Selling on Azon (James J. Jones)

We all know how much — and how quickly — the landscape changes in online selling, which is why it’s such a valuable resource to have some podcasting who’s been there since before Day 1. James got his start in online marketing in 1983, which may be before some of you were even born! While some listeners may bemoan his not-so-conversational style, it’s actually a boon because he wastes no time in getting into the nitty-gritty and cuts out all the fat.

[No longer running]

The Ask Jordan Podcast (Jordan Malik)

Want to get insider info from someone the likes of CNBC, Time and The Wall Street Journal all deemed valuable enough to talk to? That’s Jordan Malik for you, and he’s translated his experience into podcasts where he answers listeners’ questions. It’s a great way to learn about real-world issues and questions, instead of necessarily hearing from someone with a totally different vantage point from yours.

Check it out…

FBA Journey Podcast (R.C. Rice)

You’re an Amazon seller looking for success, and what better place to look than someone who’s scrambled her way to the top? She started off as a young’un and sharpened herself up quickly, using her mistakes and those of others to become a well-rounded pro seller. One of the biggest lessons you can take away from R.C. is to fearlessly and energetically go after your goals, no matter what you have to overcome.

Check it out…

The Smart Online Seller Podcast (Justin Balk)

And last but certainly not least, we come to Justin Balk, who’s made a name for himself based on his smarts, ingenuity, creativeness and thoroughness. He’s almost like a professor for Amazon 101, covering topics that range across all areas and supplementing it with bullet points, sourcing and summaries. It’s like that super popular, super helpful college course that always has a waitlist — except there’s no waitlist and you don’t have to pay tuition.

Check it out…

Private Label Movement Podcast (Jonathan Gabriel)

Private Label Movement (formerly Private Label Podcast) is consistently one of the highest-rated ecommerce and Amazon related podcasts. Since 2015, the 200+ episodes have featured some of the biggest names and brightest stars in the space including Ezra Firestone, John Rossman, Ryan Daniel Moran, Drew Sanocki and Rick Cesari. Perhaps even more compelling, the show has unearthed and introduced countless rags to riches stories of everyday people accomplishing extraordinary success with their own brands.

Check it out…


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