
What is AMZ Review Trader?

Last updated: February 6, 2024
Amazon Review Trader

AMZ Review Trader has a new name, Vipon. But it’s mission remains the same.

“Vipon is an online main street — It’s where real small business owners can get their products in the hands of shoppers who care, and share.

Vipon is an online platform that connects Amazon sellers with shoppers people who love to get the hottest new products at a great discount while supporting small businesses.

When Amazon updated its Terms of Service last October around reviews, Vipon worked with the Amazon team to make sure their site is fully in compliance with what they require.

That means you’re not required to review any product you receive from the deals site.

Through AMZ Tracker software, Amazon sellers can offer their products on Vipon at discounted prices to get increased sales. Not only does this increase their Amazon rankings and grow their business but it also helps them establish great relationships with shoppers and the community.

Savvy online shoppers save money and time by shopping Vipon online and buying awesome products at huge discounts. You’ll get the best deals on the web by accessing exclusive promotions you won’t find anywhere else.

Sellers get great business and shoppers get great deals.

Why should I use Vipon?

If you’re an Amazon seller looking for increased sales:

  • Skyrocket your daily sales numbers and increase sales velocity
  • Launch new products and get traction quickly
  • Promote your product to over 300,000 shoppers looking for products just like yours
  • Increase your rankings on Amazon against competitors

If you’re a shopper looking for great discounts:

  • Save money and cut down on expenses by buying products at 50 to 100% off — yes, even FREE!
  • Save time by shopping online through Vipon, which guarantees great deals
  • Try out new products that have just hit the market before anyone else
  • Get products quickly with free 2-day shipping by using your Amazon Prime account
  • Shop thousands upon thousands of items in home, clothing, beauty, electronics, tech, kids, books, pets and more

I’m an Amazon seller: How do I sell and increase my sales on Vipon?

When you get started with the AMZ Tracker Complete Seller’s ToolKit as an Amazon seller, you not only get access to keyword tracking, keyword research, negative review tracking, sales tracking and many more tools but also our Promotions Tool.

The Promotions Tool helps you quickly and easily list your products on Vipon, and is one of our most effective tools for bringing you a large volume of sales quickly so you can increase rankings and revenue simultaneously.

Setting up a promotion in AMZ Tracker is simple: Just list your product for at least 50% off to our community of more than 300,000 caring shoppers, and then watch the deal requests and sales roll in.

The tool creates sales velocity, which in return increases the product rankings for keywords. This creates even MORE sales at full retail price

(Note that reviews do not improve keyword rankings directly – increased sales do.)

Properly optimizing your Amazon listings (using the AMZ Tracker Keyword Tool and On-Page Optimizer) and getting more sales quickly (via the Promotions Tool) is the perfect solution for ranking products for profitable keywords in Amazon.

Will things change in the future?

Absolutely, but only in good ways. Vipon is always looking for ways to improve their shopping community, for both greater discounts and cooler products for our shoppers and a better experience with shoppers for our sellers.

One thing they’ve started offering is social sharing.

That’s sharing what you think of products anywhere you already connect with people. You may even start growing an audience on YouTube or a personal blog who follow your product reviews — and turn it into a part-time gig!

How to get started sharing deals in new ways

  • Leave a video review on YouTube
    This is a great way to have fun and show your personality. If you’re used to doing video reviews on Amazon, it should be fairly easy to segway into having fun with them on YouTube as well. Many people grow audiences of loyal followers by sharing their thoughts on this platform.
  • Share a post and link to the item on Facebook with your friends
    Facebook is a great way to connect with everyone in your social circle, whether close family or long-time friends. With a wealth of options, you can post video reviews, links, photos, or reactions to products. Or, start your own Page to grow an audience.
  • Start a product reviewing blog
    Why not start your own blog? Decide to be an expert on sporting equipment, fashion, pet products, or any niche you choose. You decide the format and whether you’ll mostly be writing, posting videos or photos. Make it fun, and explore your creativity!
  • Pin to Pinterest
    This platform is a great place to share reviews of clothes, kitchen items or anything home- or fashion-related.
  • Share on Twitter
    The micro-blogging platform is a great way to link to and promote a review you’ve created on another platform, or just a super-short and concise review, or to share deals with friends from real life or that you only know online.

Further information

Just remember you’ll be shopping on, instead of Amazon Review Trader. But if you forget, they’ll bring you straight there anyway.


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